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Letters of Objection — 4 Comments

  1. I do hope Parish councillors realise that some of us will be posting our objections on the County Council portal after the Parish meeting on the 14th Dec so that we have more information at our disposal to make an effective objection.

    • Do go along to the Public Meeting on Wednesday evening at the Tremayne Hall, and let the Parish Council know your thoughts.

      • Several of us will be there, including myself. The Parish Clerk has been very helpful in liaising with us and the Parish councillors, and I’m passing on comments on this site to her so she can inform them. Many of us are also discussing the issues on our mailing list, so please do join us, Jess, if you’d like to get more involved.


    we need to get in our objections AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so that councillors can read them prior to public meeting on 14 december.
    thanks to those already done.

    jaye brighton